CPU-z is a free tool to collect technical information about your CPU, Motherboard, Memory and Critical System data and show it to you in a few seconds. It’s also a super portable tool, no need to install, just un-zip and run.
Here is a tiny List of what CPU-z deals with:
- Name and number.
- Core stepping and process.
- Package.
- Core voltage.
- Internal and external clocks, clock multiplier.
- Supported instructions sets.
- All cache levels (location, size, speed, technology).
- Vendor, model and revision.
- BIOS model and date.
- Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.
- Graphic interface.
- Frequency and timings.
- Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial number, timings table.
- Windows and DirectX version.
Check some Screen Shots about CPU-z (All Images are from CPU-z Homepage)
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